

Image result for saying goodby quotes


Well, eight weeks have flown right by and I must say coming to the end of this course I feel so inspired. To all my classmates thank you for sharing your experiences as each of you has taught me to look beyond the surface, to think before I react and to be mindful and respectful of others’ diversity and uniqueness especially in group settings.

To Noal, Kelli and Shelby, I get so excited when I see your names in my courses as we have been in quite a few classes together and I enjoy learning about you and gaining more knowledge from your perspectives and experiences.

To my professor, thank you for your words of encouragement and your questions as you really made me think deeper and reflect more on the situation and myself.

Not saying goodbye but rather see you later.

Live, Love, Laugh

Teacher Shelly


4 thoughts on “Farewell

  1. Hello, YAY we made it to the end of this eight week journey. Thank you so much for your input during discussion questions (your insight was much appreciated) and the blog assignments. I hope your name appears in my next class! Many blessings for the holidays and coming new year. Wishing you all the best in your journey!


  2. Shelly – You are always an inspiration to me! I love reading your work and hearing your stories. Thank you for being one of the reasons this program is so enjoyable! I hope you have a happy holiday break and look forward to working with you next class!


  3. Hey Sheliffa,
    I have so many times that I can remember you giving me moments of pause, pushing me to think outside my comfort zone and opening my eyes to new perspective – thank you. I always know that if I see your name in my groups for discussion or blog postings, I will be challenged and changed by your insight. I appreciate you so very much! Hope to “see” you in 2020.
    Wishing you a blessed holiday season,


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